Sorry Ms Snow, the other 7 dwarfs take the lift

Publié le par MAW


Print by Euro RSCG- South Africa for Volvo. Sources:link 


Snow White starring in a Volvo ad. The automotive brand has decided to emphasize that the new Volvo XC90 is not big enough for everyone who needed a ride. Text says: "With seven seats. Sorry."

Umm so I wonder who can get a ride in a Volvo XC90 if even Ms Snow can't?!!

Haaa those 7 dwarfs! I'm not surprise at all! As in the original fairy tale, when Snow White asks for their help, they DEMAND that she works and cooks for them for her to have their protection! They are not real gentledwarfs!

But one thing for sure: I am definitely not getting this Volvo XC90. I don't want to buy a car that can't accommodate the extra person now and then, on special occasions such as this. Oh come on! It's Snow White for Goodness' sake!

Publié dans The friday chronicle

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